
Trailer “Space Sound Voice” – Overtone singing (English)

“Space Sound Voice – A Quest for the Origin of Harmonics” – 45min 2009 German. A film documentary about Overtone Singing and Harmonics.

DVD available on Void Visuals. (title: Raum Klang Stimme).

Harmonic Singing (also known as overtone singing) has the power to move us deeply. It is an ancient form of singing, using our voice to produce two or more tones at once. But how does it work? And how can harmonic singing have such a profound effect on us?

Harmonic Singing (also known as overtone singing) has the power to move us deeply. It is an ancient form of singing, using our voice to produce two or more tones at once. But how does it work? And how can harmonic singing have such a profound effect on us?

In the documentary Raum Klang Stimme (Space Sound Voice), filmmaker Minghao Xu takes us on a quest for the origins of harmonics, giving us insight in our amazing ability to sing harmonics. Not only a varied range of international harmonic singers is introduced, but also the scientific side is well presented, resulting in an inspirig journey through the world of sound.

This film documentation, portraying seven musicians, tells the story of my personal quest for and fascination of ‘overtone-singing’ and the harmonic proportions.


David Hykes
Christian Bollmann
Wolfgang Saus
Danny Wetzels
Hosoo & Transmongolia
Jill Purce
Mark van Tongeren