
2019 in pix, videos and some stories

NEW WORKSHOP: RHYTHMS & CYCLES   Video impresssion: Colours Rhythms & Cycles   NEW CLASS: SHRUTI NIGHTS I began a new class: Shruti Nights, and ran No. I-VIII throughout the year, each with a different theme. Listen to a nice duet I did with Sunny, translator, co-producer of many of my events, and talented singing

Ting Shuo Hear Say (Tainan): Performance 24 聽說有表演第二十四場

聽說有表演第二十四場 Ting Shuo Has Performance Twenty Four 2020.1.5 Sun. 週日 2 pm (入場 door open), 2:30 pm (開演

I still hear you!

Today it is 6 years ago since Michael Vetter (1943-2013) passed away. One year after his passing I

First living room concert in Taiwan

HUALIEN HOUSE CONCERT A few weeks ago I finally did my first living-room concert in Taiwan. I was

Catching up with Tran Quang Hai

The most prolific researcher in the field of overtone singing is a man with many faces. His name

Catching my breath without oxygen.

中文請往下滑 A strange coincidence that my last post here was about breathing, too. Or maybe not, as breathing

2018 in pictures (and some stories)

2018   Workhop and meetings in Hong Kong Once or twice yearly I teach workshops in English at

The Ouroboros Concert

Voor nederlands even naar beneden skrollen. Here is a letter I wrote earlier this year when I was about to turn 50 (want to get on the mailinglist too? let me know!): I love the number 49 and its symbolism. Much better than 50. So I prefer to send out a shout to everyone on

Oorbeek’s X-mas 7″

After some years of relative silence, the full seven-piece collective of Oorbeek reunited again this Summer to record

Sound piece for The Fear of Small Numbers

I recently sat down to create a contribution for Serge Onnen‘s exhibition, opening tomorrow at the Kunstfort in